
SQL Select Records based on current date minus two days

I have an orders table which contains an order ID, order date and order description.

I want to run a select query which captures all orders that have been created in the last two days. so the current date minus two days. from the 14th December, I would want to select all orders where the order date is > 13th December. This needs to use a Get date function to pick up the current date and minus the days.

I have tried:

select * from orders where orderdate > getdate() - 2 

but this is not producing the correct results. Any idea's how to do this please?


  • you should try to use dateadd function

    select * from orders where orderdate > dateadd(dd,-1,cast(getdate() as date))

    Now, this may be exactly what you need but then you need to understand that by casting to date we remove the time part and effectively go back to the start of the day and a day behind it(-1) gives the start of yesterday.