I've been looking through the Netgear firmware source for some of the firmwares and while looking at the web directories and HTML files in the source, I've noticed most or all of the HTML files have something similar to this at the top or at random positions in the page:
<% http_header("style/form.css", "/funcs.js", "/upnp.js") %> <% body_header("_upnp", "UPNP_upnp.htm", "upnp") %>
It looks like some sort of templating engine/language but I'm not sure what. Just thought this would be interesting to know. If anybody has any information, please leave a response. Thanks!
It appears to be a custom scripting language modelled after ASP, and referred to internally as "ASP". The source code for the interpreter is missing from the Netgear source dump (argh!), but the Makefile mentions a number of files with "ASP" in their name, and the binary includes similarly named methods, such as: