I have a NetApp log output in a log file which is the below format.
DeviceDetails.log file content
/vol/DBCXARCHIVE002_E_Q22014_journal/DBCXARCHIVE002_E_Q22014_journal 1.0t (1149038714880) (r/w, online, mapped)
Comment: " "
Serial#: e3eOF4y4SRrc
Share: none
Space Reservation: enabled (not honored by containing Aggregate)
Multiprotocol Type: windows_2008
Occupied Size: 1004.0g (1077986099200)
Creation Time: Wed Apr 30 20:14:51 IST 2014
Cluster Shared Volume Information: 0x0
Read-Only: disabled
/vol/DBCXARCHIVE002_E_Q32014_journal/DBCXARCHIVE002_E_Q32014_journal 900.1g (966429273600) (r/w, online, mapped)
Comment: " "
Serial#: e3eOF507DSuU
Share: none
Space Reservation: enabled (not honored by containing Aggregate)
Multiprotocol Type: windows_2008
Occupied Size: 716.7g (769556951040)
Creation Time: Tue Aug 12 20:24:14 IST 2014
Cluster Shared Volume Information: 0x0
Read-Only: disabled
Wherein the output is of only 2 devices , it has more than x devices appended in the log file.
I just need 4 details from each module , The first line contains 3 needed details
Device Name : /vol/DBCXARCHIVE002_E_Q22014_journal/DBCXARCHIVE002_E_Q22014_journal
Total Capacity : 1.0t (1149038714880)
Status : (r/w, online, mapped)
And the 4th Detail I need is Occupied Size: 1004.0g (1077986099200)
So the CSV output should look like below :
I am not just a beginner at coding and trying to achieve this with the below code, it does not help much though :/
$logfile = Get-Content .\DeviceDetails.log
$l1 = $logfile | select-string "/vol"
$l2 = $logfile | select-string "Occupied Size: "
$objs =@()
$l1 | ForEach {
$o = $_
$l2 | ForEach {
$o1 = $_
$Object22 = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
'LUN Name , Total Space, Status, Occupied Size' = "$o"
'Occupied Size' = "$o1"
$objs += $Object22
$obj = $null # variable to store each output object temporarily
Get-Content .\t.txt | ForEach-Object { # loop over input lines
if ($_ -match '^\s*(/vol.+?)\s+(.+? \(.+?\))\s+(\(.+?\))') {
# Create a custom object with all properties of interest,
# and store it in the $obj variable created above.
# What the regex's capture groups - (...) - captured is available in the
# the automatic $Matches variable via indices starting at 1.
$obj = [pscustomobject] @{
'Device Name' = $Matches[1]
'Total Space' = $Matches[2]
'Status' = $Matches[3]
'Occupied Size' = $null # filled below
} elseif ($_ -match '\bOccupied Size: (.*)') {
# Set the 'Occupied Size' property value...
$obj.'Occupied Size' = $Matches[1]
# ... and output the complete object.
} | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation out.csv
- Note that Export-Csv
defaults to ASCII output encoding; change that with the -Encoding
- To extract only the numbers inside (...)
for the Total Space
and Occupied Size
columns, use
$_ -match '^\s*(/vol.+?)\s+.+?\s+\((.+?)\)\s+(\(.+?\))'
$_ -match '\bOccupied Size: .+? \((.*)\)'
Note how this solution processes the input file line by line, which keeps memory use down, though generally at the expense of performance.
As for what you tried:
You collect the entire input file as an array in memory ($logfile = Get-Content .\DeviceDetails.log
You then filter this array twice into parallel arrays, containing corresponding lines of interest.
Things go wrong when you attempt to nest the processing of these 2 arrays. Instead of nesting, you must enumerate them in parallel, as their corresponding indices contain matching entries.
'LUN Name , Total Space, Status, Occupied Size' = "$o"
creates a single property named LUN Name , Total Space, Status, Occupied Size
, which is not the intent.