
Does catch-all-rethrow differ in any way from having no try-catch block at all?

Does this code

    opaque_function_that_might_throw_arbitrary_exception ();
catch (...)

differ in any way semantically from just calling

opaque_function_that_might_throw_arbitrary_exception ();

in C++? Are there differences between the standards?

I though both snippets would be semantically identical, but I checked with the compiler-explorer and it generates different code, even on the highest optimization level. This made me wonder if there is something I'm missing.


  • Yes, there is a subtle difference in one particular place. Consider this main function:

    int main() {
       RAIIHandle important_resource{ /*...*/ };
       opaque_function_that_might_throw_arbitrary_exception ();

    Is important_resource freed upon an exception being thrwon? Well, it's implementation defined. std::terminate is called, but the stack may not be unwound if an exception escapes from main. For some resources, this could spell real trouble.

    Now in this case:

    int main() {
       try {
         RAIIHandle important_resource{ /*...*/ };
         opaque_function_that_might_throw_arbitrary_exception ();
       catch(...) {

    std::terminate is still called. But not before a suitable handler is found for the exception. The stack must be unwound. So our important_resource is definitely freed.