
Use functions in unique constraint on multiple columns

I have this table:

    red int unique, 
    blue int unique, 
    unique (LEAST(red, blue), GREATEST(red, blue)),
    check (red <> blue)

When I try to make the table, it errors syntax error at or near "(". Are functions like LEAST and GREATEST not allowed when making 2 columns unique? The purpose of the least and greatest functions is so that when one ID is in red, it can't also be in another record in the blue column.


  • You can create an index on an expression. I'm not so sure you can put a unique constraint on expressions. But this does what you want:

    CREATE TABLE games (
        red int not null, 
        blue int not null, 
        check (red <> blue)
    create unique index unq_games_red_blue on games ( least(red, blue), greatest(red, blue) );

    Note: You probably don't want red and blue to be unique individually. If there are, there is no reason for a unique constraint on the pair.