I would like to capture video from device’s back camera directly to ProRes codec, now that .proRes422
and .proRes4444
are available as AVVideoCodecType
options in iOS 11.
But I receive an error that recording is:
unsupported given the current configuration
On both iPhone X and second generation iPad Pro, when trying to capture video with the following code:
movieFileOutput.setOutputSettings([AVVideoCodecKey: AVVideoCodecType.proRes422],
for: movieFileOutputConnection!)
If this approach is wrong, can the captured video be encoded by using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput
alongside AVAssetWriter
I received a response from Brad Ford, an engineer from camera software team at Apple:
(string) is available, meaning you can compile code that references this constant without a compile error. ButAVCaptureMovieFileOutput
is telling you the truth. ProRes is not supported on iOS.