I have a model called CallbackRequest the model has a relationship with Loan model and that is the only relationship for CallbackRequest model.
public function loan() {
return $this->belongsTo(Loan::class);
Now Loan model itself has a relationship with a third model called Applicant.
Loan Model:
public function applicant() {
return $this->belongsTo(Applicant::class);
My point:
When I load CallbackRequest I eagerload loan model with it, all fine! But now I am wondering if there is a way to eagerload applicant model when I do:
Right now I access it like:
$modelResults = PublicCallback::with('loan')->get();
I get all callbacks with loan eagerloaded, but my point is I want when I eagerload loans in this case I want applicant to be loaded also !
Is there any way how to do this, is it possible ?
You can do this with:
$modelResults = PublicCallback::with(['loan', 'loan.applicant'])->get();
Ref: https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/eloquent-relationships#eager-loading