I am having problems accessing Google Docs from a GMail Add-On.
I want to copy particular Google Docs file from my GMail Add-On, and then edit the new doc. I am able to create a new doc from my template doc, using:
var docTemplate="<DOCUMENT ID>";
var docName = "Generated Document 123";
var copyId = DriveApp.getFileById(docTemplate).makeCopy(docName).getId();
However, when I try to open the file using this code:
var copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyId);
I get an error in the GMail Add-On pane saying "You do not have permission to call openById [line: 36, function: getContextualAddOn, file: Code]"
I've used this same code successfully in a Apps Script in Google Sheets, so I assume I haven't set up my permissions correctly.
In my manifest file, I set the oauthScopes values as:
"oauthScopes": [
The /auth/drive permission allows me to call DriveApp.getFileById(), but what different permission do I need to call DocumentApp.openById()? Or is there some other issue?
Any pointers / guidance here would be greatly appreciated!
Add this to your scopes: "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/documents"