
Configure mouse in Dragonfly BSD - VirtualBox Guest

How do you configure the mouse in Dragonfly BSD installed as VirtualBox Guest?

I configured the VirtualBox VM for DrangonFly as follows.

When I created my user account I set the "other group memberships" field to wheel, video.

I installed xorg as follows, following the instructions found on the DragonFly BSD X page.

pkg install xorg

When I run startx, the mouse cursor is visible but no matter what I do, the mouse cursor does not move.

Running Xorg -configure made no difference .

I cannot find any information on how to install VirtualBox OSE Additions on DragonFly BSD.

The following command yields no results.

pkg search virtualbox-ose-additions

Does anyone have information on how to resolve this issue?



  • I left out a step. When I added the following line to /etc/rc.conf, the mouse started working.
