
Angular transclusion without wrapping tag

How can one make slot transclusion in Angular without including wrapping tag?

For example:

Here is template of component with selector my-component:

<div class="my-component">
   <p class="some sensitive css-classes">
       <ng-content select="sub-header"></ng-content>

   <p class="more sensitive css-classes">
       <ng-content select="sub-footer"></ng-content>

This was one of the components which filled in the template with data

        Very <strong>important</strong> text with tags.

        More <em>important</em> text with tags.

The transclusion result looks so:

<div class="my-component">
   <p class="some sensitive css-classes">
          Very <strong>important</strong> text with tags.

   <p class="more sensitive css-classes">
           More <em>important</em> text with tags.

This is not very useful, because of semantics and in case of very sensitive CSS-styles

How can I get transclusion which looks like this:

<div class="my-component">
   <p class="some sensitive css-classes">
       Very <strong>important</strong> text with tags.

   <p class="more sensitive css-classes">
       More <em>important</em> text with tags.

The main difference from other questions is the transclusion of dom.


  • You can use ngProjectAs angular attribute on ng-container tag

      <ng-container ngProjectAs="sub-header">
        <strong>important</strong> text with tags.
      <ng-container ngProjectAs="sub-footer">
        <em>important</em> text with tags.

    Stackblitz Example

    For documentation take a look at