
How to get full detailed usage report of firebase products

I would like to bill my customers depending on their usage of firebase. I don't have any customers yet but for me to set minimal pricing I need to know the usage report. We have conducted test on the service and based on that test I wanna estimate the costs to provide it to my client.

I know that there is a table of pricing per product but I wanna bill my customers depending on units of usage within my service and to do so I need to know what is the current usage based on the testing period.


  • There is no built-in report or API that shows the usage of Firebase products per user of your apps. You will have to build that yourself on top of Firebase.

    Total usage reports are available for some Firebase products in their console. E.g. there is a usage tab for the Realtime Database, a usage tab for Cloud Firestore that links to the Cloud console, and a usage tab for Hosting.