I'm running Container Linux by CoreOS 1618.0.0 (Ladybug)
with rkt Version: 1.29.0
I created a systemd service file to run a docker nagios image:
Requires=network-online.target local-fs.target
After=network-online.target local-fs.target
ExecStart=/usr/bin/rkt run --port=80-tcp:8018 --insecure-options=image --volume volume-var-log-apache2,kind=host,source=/mnt/storage/nagios/apache2-log --volume volume-usr-share-snmp-mibs,kind=host,source=/mnt/storage/nagios/snmp-mibs --volume volume-opt-nagiosgraph-etc,kind=host,source=/mnt/storage/nagios/nagiosgraph/etc --volume volume-opt-nagiosgraph-var,kind=host,source=/mnt/storage/nagios/nagiosgraph/var --volume volume-opt-nagios-libexec,kind=host,source=/mnt/storage/nagios/nagios/libexec --volume volume-opt-nagios-var,kind=host,source=/mnt/storage/nagios/etc,readOnly=false --volume volume-opt-nagios-etc,kind=host,source=/mnt/storage/nagios/var,readOnly=false --volume volume-opt-custom-nagios-plugins,kind=host,source=/mnt/storage/nagios/custom-plugins docker://jasonrivers/nagios:latest
ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/rkt gc --mark-only
now the problem is that the mounted parittions don't get populated with the relevant image files.
usually what I do is to extract the image itself and copy the relevant files manually.
the question is... is there another?
hopefully I missed a rkt parameter that fills the relevant mounted directories with the files in the docker image in the mounted locations
any ideas ?
You should not expect to see the volume automatically populated with whatever files exist in the image at that particular mount point. In fact the opposite happens, the (presumably empty) volume hides what's in the image. See this: https://github.com/appc/spec/blob/master/spec/ace.md#volume-setup
So, if you want to pre-populate the volumes with files from the image, I believe you're doing the right thing by extracting the image manually.