Is SharedPreferences a safe way of sharing settings between a service and the UI?
I am calling commit() in a service and when I read the prefs in the UI 300ms later, the data is not there. This is on API 27.
I already use the Messenger for communicating between the service and the UI.
This is how I'm storing data on the services side:
local e = context:getSharedPreferences("characters", context.MODE_PRIVATE):edit()
e:putString("list", table.concat(names, "|"))
log("saved these names in characters: %s", tstring(names))
local stuff = context:getSharedPreferences("characters", context.MODE_PRIVATE)
Retrieving it in the UI:
charlist_settings = activity:getSharedPreferences("characters", activity.MODE_PRIVATE)
log("refreshlist hit")
if charlist_settings:contains("list") and charlist_settings:getString("list", "") ~= "" then
log("no list in char_settings :(")
log("all: %s", charlist_settings:getAll():toString())
Service log, notice timestamp:
12-22 18:56:30.246 4142-4142/org.vadisystems.irehelper:Service I/IRE Helper: modified is: added
12-22 18:56:30.253 4142-4142/org.vadisystems.irehelper:Service I/IRE Helper: saved these names in characters: {"Vadimuses_Achaea"}
UI log, this is after a message is received from the service:
12-22 18:56:30.700 4120-4120/org.vadisystems.irehelper I/IRE Helper: refreshlist hit
12-22 18:56:30.701 4120-4120/org.vadisystems.irehelper I/IRE Helper: no list in char_settings :(
12-22 18:56:30.702 4120-4120/org.vadisystems.irehelper I/IRE Helper: all: {}
Not even restarting the activity worked to get the data after it has been commited. The only thing that did was restarting the application entirely. This was on API 27.