I have a table in my db where one of the properties is an Html page (without the html, head and body tags), and I intend to put it in the middle of one of my views - say, I call a cotroller method that takes an argument, and return a view passing this html big string as the model. I searched for it (not much, I admit), and found the following method:
<%= System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(yourEncodedHtmlFromYouDatabase) %>
That was found here in stackoverflow. When I tried a similar razor aproach, I ended up with this:
That's the idea, but it didn't work quite as I planned.
All you need is: @Html.Raw(yourEncodedHtmlFromYouDatabase)
I'm assuming that the html in the database has been properly sanitized (or at least from a reliable source), because if not, you could be opening yourself up to cross-site scripting attacks.
The reason your approach didn't work is that Razor HTML-encodes output by default (every time you use @
to display something). Html.Raw
tells Razor that you trust the HTML and you want to display it without encoding it (as it's already raw HTML).