
how I could update groovy image in panel when click a button?

I’m trying to use this code for show an image in panel and then update the image when click but not works (not updating the image)

Getting this error:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: label

I don't know how I could update.

this is my code:

class Address { 
    String street, number, city
    String toString() { "address[street=$street,number=$number,city=$city]" }

def address = new Address(street: 'Evergreen Terrace', number: '742', city: 'Springfield')
   def BL = new BorderLayout()

def swing = new SwingBuilder()
def swingBuilder = new SwingBuilder()
swingBuilder.edt {  // edt method makes sure UI is build on Event Dispatch Thread.

    lookAndFeel 'nimbus'  // Simple change in look and feel.

    frame(title: 'Address', size: [1000, 800],
            show: true, locationRelativeTo: null,

            defaultCloseOperation: EXIT_ON_CLOSE) {

        borderLayout(vgap: 5)

        panel(constraints: BorderLayout.CENTER,
                border: compoundBorder([emptyBorder(10), titledBorder('Enter your address:')])) {
            tableLayout {

                tr {
                    td {
                        label 'Street:'  // text property is default, so it is implicit.
                    td {
                        textField address.street, id: 'streetField', columns: 20
                tr {
                    td {
                        label 'Number:'
                    td {
                        textField id: 'numberField', columns: 5, text: address.number
                tr {
                    td {
                        label 'City:'
                    td {
                        textField id: 'cityField', columns: 20,
    td {
                        textField id: 'cityField', columns: 20,

      scrollPane(id:'scroll',preferredSize: [200,200], constraints: context.CENTER) {

    panel(layout: new FlowLayout()) {

        label(icon: imageIcon(new URL('pokemon.png')))



        panel(constraints: BorderLayout.SOUTH) {
            button text: 'Save', actionPerformed: {
                println address

        // Binding of textfield's to address object.
        bean address,
            street: bind { streetField.text },
            number: bind { numberField.text },
            city: bind { cityField.text }


  • I solve with this

    class Address { 
        String street, number, city
        String toString() { "address[street=$street,number=$number,city=$city]" }
    def address = new Address(street: 'Evergreen Terrace', number: '742', city: 'Springfield')
       def BL = new BorderLayout()
    def swing = new SwingBuilder()
    def swingBuilder = new SwingBuilder()
    swingBuilder.edt {  // edt method makes sure UI is build on Event Dispatch Thread.
        lookAndFeel 'nimbus'  // Simple change in look and feel.
        frame(title: 'Address', size: [1000, 800],
                show: true, locationRelativeTo: null,
                defaultCloseOperation: EXIT_ON_CLOSE) {
            borderLayout(vgap: 5)
            panel(constraints: BorderLayout.CENTER,
                    border: compoundBorder([emptyBorder(10), titledBorder('Enter your address:')])) {
                tableLayout {
                    tr {
                        td {
                            label 'Street:'  // text property is default, so it is implicit.
                        td {
                            textField address.street, id: 'streetField', columns: 20
                    tr {
                        td {
                            label 'Number:'
                        td {
                            textField id: 'numberField', columns: 5, text: address.number
                    tr {
                        td {
                            label 'City:'
                        td {
                            textField id: 'cityField', columns: 20,
        td {
                            textField id: 'cityField', columns: 20,
              scrollPane(id:'scroll',preferredSize: [200,200], constraints: context.CENTER) {
            panel(layout: new FlowLayout()) {
        imagelabelx=        label(icon: imageIcon(new URL('pokemon.png')))
                panel(constraints: BorderLayout.SOUTH) {
                    button text: 'Save', actionPerformed: {
                        println address
        imagelabelx.icon= imageIcon(new URL('pokemon2.png'))
                // Binding of textfield's to address object.
                bean address,
                    street: bind { streetField.text },
                    number: bind { numberField.text },
                    city: bind { cityField.text }