Multiple parameter in HTTP post request not Binding in webApi 2.0

I have created a sample for post multiple params in HTTP Request.But i can't able to assign the value in Web Api Controller. Please check the below code.


deleteEntry(entryId: number, entryActiveFlag: string): Observable<number> {
        let dataUrl = `http/localhost:8080/Entry/DeleteEntry`;
        let params = { entryId, entryActiveFlag};
        //params.append('entryActiveFlag', entryActiveFlag);
        let body = JSON.stringify(params );
        return, body)
            .map(res => res.json())


    public  IActionResult DeleteEntry([FromBody]int entryId,string entryActiveFlag)
        return Ok( _service.DeleteEntry(entryId, entryActiveFlag));


  • Wrap the input details in one class and provide the class object as parameter to Web API method. In your case you can add below class -

    public class EntryDetails
      public int EntryId {get;set;}
      public bool EntryActiveFlag

    And your web method will be

        public  IActionResult DeleteEntry(EntryDetails entryDetails)
            return Ok( _service.DeleteEntry(entryDetails.EntryId, entryDetails.EntryActiveFlag));

    Accordingly also change the invocation from client method.