I've installed cassandra on 3 RHEL servers. I've configured 2 datacentres. The YAML file looks like:
cluster_name: 'Cluster1'
num_tokens: 256
partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner
data_file_directories:- /home/cass/share/cassandra/data
commitlog_directory: /home/cass/ share/cassandra/commitlog
saved_caches_directory: /home/cass/share/cassandra/saved_caches
seed_provider: - class_name: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSeedProvider parameters: - seeds: "" listen_address: 'IP address of the node'
endpoint_snitch: GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
I'm getting the below exception: Exception (org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException) encountered during startup: Missing required directive CommitLogSync
Missing required directive CommitLogSync
ERROR 05:55:21 Exception encountered during startup: Missing required directive CommitLogSync
What exactly is wrong here?
Is your cassandra.yaml a modified version of the shipped one? Even default values need to be in there.
From a quick look of your snippets - does the commitlog directory really exist?
commitlog_directory: /home/cass/ share/cassandra/commitlog
There is a space in there and maybe it is just a simple typo. From the docs:
(Default: periodic) The method that Cassandra uses to acknowledge writes in milliseconds:
periodic: (Default: 10000 milliseconds [10 seconds]) With commitlog_sync_period_in_ms, controls how often the commit log is synchronized to disk. Periodic syncs are acknowledged immediately.
batch: (Default: disabled)note With commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms (Default: 2 ms), controls how long Cassandra waits for other writes before performing a sync. When this method is enabled, Cassandra does not acknowledge writes until they are fsynced to disk.
To be safe to have default values and all parameters set I always recommend to use the shipped cassandra.yaml and only modify the settings that need other values. This also makes it easier while upgrading - diff is your friend - not to miss new parameters.