This piece of code works fine and returns 343423 as expected:
val longList: ListBuffer[Long] = ListBuffer(103948,343423,209754)
val maxLong = longList.max
But it doesn't work for Some[Long]:
val longSomeList: ListBuffer[Some[Long]] = ListBuffer(Some(103948),Some(343423),Some(209754))
val maxSomeLong = longSomeList.max
Error: No implicit Ordering defined for Some[Long].
val maxSomeLong = longSomeList.max
Is there any simple solution to get the max of the second list?
max function from TraversableForwarder(scala.collection.generic)
You are looking for .flatten
Or give it the ordering to use explicitly:
.max([Option[Int], Int](_.getOrElse(Int.MinValue)))
Also, don't use mutable collections.