How to retrieve (not recursively) all children using BeautifulSoup (bs4)?
<div class='body'><span>A</span><span><span>B</span></span><span>C</span></div>
I want to get blocks like this:
block1 : <span>A</span>
block2 : <span><span>B</span></span>
block3 : <span>C</span>
I'm doing this way:
for j in soup.find_all(True)[:1]:
if isinstance(j, NavigableString):
if isinstance(j, Tag):
# Get siblings
for k in j.find_next_siblings():
# k is sibling of first element
Is there a cleaner way to do that?
You can set the recursive
argument to False
if you want to select only direct descendants.
An example with the html you provided:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = "<div class='body'><span>A</span><span><span>B</span></span><span>C</span></div>"
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
for j in soup.div.find_all(recursive=False):