
State space size of state of the art model checkers

What is the approximate maximum state space size of modern model checkers, like NuSMV. I do not need an exact number but some state size value, where the run time is still acceptable (say a few weeks).

What kind of improvements, beyond symbolic model checking, are used to raise that limit?


  • The answer varies wildly, depending, among other factors, on:

    Instead of mentioning some specific number of states, I will instead note a few relevant factors (I use "specification" below as a synonym to "model"):

    Another approach is to write a specification that has unspecified parameters, then use a model checker to find errors in instances of the specification that correspond to small parameter values, and after correcting these, then use a theorem prover to ensure correctness of the specification. This approach is supported by tools for TLA+, namely the model checker TLC and the theorem prover TLAPS.

    Regarding terminology ("specification" above), please see "What good is temporal logic?" by Leslie Lamport.

    Also worth noting that, depending on the approach, the number of states, and the number of reachable states can be different notions. Usually, this matters in typed formalisms: we can specify a system with 1 reachable state, but declare variable types that result in many more states, most of which are unreachable from the initial conditions. In symbolic approaches, this affects the encoding, thus the size of BDDs.

    References relevant to state space size: