
How to find the latest *compatible* version of a Pypi package?

On a production server, I am forced to use python3.2. Sadly several of my dependencies require >=python3.4. Is there a way to find out what the latest version of a package is that can be used with a specific python version?

For instance, with python3.2, what version of numpy should be used?

(This is only an example, answers would ideally not focus on the example, but on the actual question).


  • Perhaps you could use environment markers to solve the problem?

    These are strings that can be used in requirements.txt and files (under the install_requires argument) and look like:

    numpy>=1.7,<2; python_version > '3.4'
    numpy>=1.7,<1.12; python_version < '3.4'

    They can help you match packages to Python versions with some flexibility.