I am trying to use scripting in praat to either save or write to a file with the values given from using "Pitch Listing" under "Pitch". This is my code for the script so far:
selectObject: 1
View & Edit
editor: 1
Select: 0.0, 10000
Pitch listing
p$ = Get pitch
fileappend pitch123.txt 'p$'
This code only returns the mean for the sound file and I am wondering if there is a way to avoid getting small chunks of the file and getting the average pitch and instead being able to get the data given the way praat does it like so :
Time_s F0_Hz
0.254558 125.982312
0.264558 127.975510
0.274558 123.010164
0.284558 120.761760
0.294558 119.652539
0.304558 118.916850
Even just being able to save the file that pops up from "Pitch Listing" would work. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Using the new syntax (Praat >= 5.3.63), you can create a Pitch object and loop through the frames to get the Pitch value for that frame (by default, one frame every 10 msec).
writeFileLine: "./pitch_list.txt", "time,pitch"
selectObject: 1
To Pitch: 0, 75, 600
no_of_frames = Get number of frames
for frame from 1 to no_of_frames
time = Get time from frame number: frame
pitch = Get value in frame: frame, "Hertz"
appendFileLine: "pitch_list.txt", "'time','pitch'"