
Laravel(Lumen) unique validation rule for an array data when updating

I am trying to add a unique rule on an array of data and wants to ignore the unique rule to a given id when updating the same record.

When creating a new record I am using rules like

$rules = [
            'provider.*.link' => 'required|url|unique:providers,link',

and my data array looks like

 [provider] => [
                [0] =>[
                       [link] => http://mysite.local/1
                [1] =>[
                       [link] => http://mysite.local/1

which works fine. But, when updating same data I can't figure it out how to ignore unique rule to their respective ids.

I know how to do it when there's no array like

'link' => 'required|url|unique:providers,link,' . $id,

but not sure how to use it when data is an array.

My update data array looks like

 [provider] => 
            [0] =>
                    [id] => 3
                    [link] => http://mysite.local/1

            [1] =>
                    [id] => 4
                    [link] => http://mysite.local/1


I am using Lumen and using the same function for creating and updating records. Is there's a way to achieve this?


  • You could do this:

    $rules = [
    $providers = request('provider');
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($providers); $i++) {
        $rules['provider.' . $i . '.link'] = 'required|url|unique:providers,link,' . $providers[$i]['id'];
    return $rules;