Got a bunyan log, here's a sample entry
[2016-05-31T15:38:47.889Z] FATAL: jklajsd-utilities/23399 on
0: {
"code": "EADDRINUSE",
"errno": "EADDRINUSE",
"syscall": "listen",
"address": "",
"port": 5566
OK I want to find all entries after that one:
bunyan /opt/aaa/.pm2/logs/cccc-out-15.log -c ' >= new Date("2016-05-31T15:38:47.889Z")'
No results. Tried with this.time
as well. The bunyan docs say that time
is the right field but it doesn't work. new Date("2016-05-31T15:38:47.889Z")'
is valid:
> new Date("2016-05-31T15:58:50.475Z")
Tue May 31 2016 08:58:50 GMT-0700 (PDT)
The log filtering is certainly working:
$ bunyan /opt/aaa/.pm2/logs/cccc-out-15.log -c 'this.level === DEBUG ' |wc -l
$ bunyan /opt/aaa/.pm2/logs/cccc-out-15.log -c 'this.level === FATAL '|wc -l
Changing the year to 2015 didn't do anything.
So what am I doing wrong with date filtering?
The time in JSON is stored as a string. So you need to convert it before comparing.
bunyan /opt/aaa/.pm2/logs/cccc-out-15.log -c 'new Date(this.time) >= new Date("2016-05-31T15:38:47.889Z")'