
Distinguish Supplier from Customer with Exact Online results

I have the following query:

select act.Division 
,      act.DivisionName
,      act.code
,      act.name
,      act.status
,      acs.description
,      act.IsSupplier
,      act.IsSales
from   exactonlinerest..accounts act
join   accountcustomerstatuses acs
on     acs.code = act.status
by     Division
,      code

Some results give back a status of C (customer) and a true on supplier. IsSales is sometimes true and sometimes false.

I am confused about the meaning of these values. The documentation is not clear on the purpose.

Would that account be both a customer AND a supplier?

What is the meaning of issales?


  • See answer on documentation:

    Each counterparty is registered at most once as an account. Their type can be determined using a number of methods: