
opendnp3 python testing master slave

Running this code gives me the following error (I don't know how to pass Log Level as argument)

 File "", line 85, in main
    stack_manager = opendnp3.StackManager()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/opendnp3/", line 2049, in __init__
    this = _pyopendnp3.new_StackManager(*args)
TypeError: new_StackManager() takes exactly 2 arguments (0 given)

The error is in line 85

stack_manager = opendnp3.StackManager()
stack_manager.AddTCPv4Client('tcpclient', phys_layer_settings, '', 4999)


  • There's a problem with that method. Instead use:

        stack_manager = opendnp3.StackManager()
        stack_manager.AddTCPClient('tcpclient', phys_layer_settings, '', 4999)

    There's not much documentation, but after a ton of digging there was a re-write around a TCPv4 and TCPv6 method and it looks like they were left in a non-working state