
SQL Server : SELECT ID having only a single condition

I have a patients table with details such as conditions that the patient has. from the below table I want to select Patients, Claims which have ONLY a single condition - 'Hypertension'. Example Patient B is the expected output. Patient A will not be selected because he claimed for multiple conditions.

| ID | ClaimID |  Condition   |
| A  |   14234 | Hypertension |
| A  |   14234 | Diabetes     |
| A  |   63947 | Diabetes     |
| B  |   23853 | Hypertension |

I tried using the NOT IN condition as below but doesn't seem to help

SELECT ID, ClaimID, Condition 
FROM myTable 
WHERE Condition IN ('Hypertension') 
  AND Condition NOT IN ('Diabetes') 


  • One method uses not exists:

    select t.*
    from mytable t
    where t.condition = 'Hypertension' and
          not exists (select 1
                      from mytable t2
                      where t2.id = t.id and t2.condition <> t.condition