
How can I perform LiveData transformations on a background thread?

I have a need to transform one type of data, returned by a LiveData object, into another form on a background thread to prevent UI lag.

In my specific case, I have:

so I need to transform my LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> into a LiveData<List<MyRichObject>>, but not on the UI thread.

The<X>, Function<X, Y>) method does this needed transformation, but I can't use this because it executes the transformation on the main thread:

Applies the given function on the main thread to each value emitted by source LiveData and returns LiveData, which emits resulting values.

The given function func will be executed on the main thread.

What is a clean way to make LiveData transformations occur:

  1. somewhere off the main thread, and
  2. only as needed (i.e. only when something is observing the intended transformation)?


  • The question gives an example source LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> and needs a transformed LiveData<List<MyRichObject>>. A combined transformed LiveData and Observer could look something like this:

    class MyRichObjectLiveData
            extends LiveData<List<MyRichObject>>
            implements Observer<List<MyDBRow>>
        @NonNull private LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> sourceLiveData;
        MyRichObjectLiveData(@NonNull LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> sourceLiveData) {
            this.sourceLiveData = sourceLiveData;
        // only watch the source LiveData when something is observing this
        // transformed LiveData
        @Override protected void onActive()   { sourceLiveData.observeForever(this); }
        @Override protected void onInactive() { sourceLiveData.removeObserver(this); }
        // receive source LiveData emission
        @Override public void onChanged(@Nullable List<MyDBRow> dbRows) {
            // set up a background thread to complete the transformation
            AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() {
                @Override public void run() {
                    assert dbRows != null;
                    List<MyRichObject> myRichObjects = new LinkedList<>();
                    for (MyDBRow myDBRow : myDBRows) {
                    // use LiveData method postValue (rather than setValue) on
                    // background threads

    If multiple such transformations are needed, the above logic could be made generic like this:

    abstract class TransformedLiveData<Source, Transformed>
            extends LiveData<Transformed>
            implements Observer<Source>
        @Override protected void onActive()   { getSource().observeForever(this); }
        @Override protected void onInactive() { getSource().removeObserver(this); }
        @Override public void onChanged(@Nullable Source source) {
            AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() {
                @Override public void run() {
        protected abstract LiveData<Source> getSource();
        protected abstract Transformed getTransformed(Source source);

    and the subclass for the example given by the question could look something like this:

    class MyRichObjectLiveData
            extends TransformedLiveData<List<MyDBRow>, List<MyRichObject>>
        @NonNull private LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> sourceLiveData;
        MyRichObjectLiveData(@NonNull LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> sourceLiveData) {
            this.sourceLiveData = sourceLiveData;
        @Override protected LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> getSource() {
            return sourceLiveData;
        @Override protected List<MyRichObject> getTransformed(List<MyDBRow> myDBRows) {
            List<MyRichObject> myRichObjects = new LinkedList<>();
            for (MyDBRow myDBRow : myDBRows) {
            return myRichObjects;