exports.sendSMS = function (session, to, text, sourceAddress, jsonMessageHistoryIds, callback) {
source_addr: sourceAddress,
dest_address: to,
short_message: text
}, function (pdu) {
console.log('submit_multi: ', pdu.command_status);
console.log("PDU", pdu);
if (pdu.command_status == 0) {
// insert into sms smpp logs
var values = {
type: 'bulk',
message: text,
numbers: JSON.stringify(to)
callback(null, pdu.message_id);
If the messege is below 160 character it is okey .Messege will be sent but if messege is above 160 character then it will throw new TypeError value argument is out of bounds in buffer.js if sms messege is too long.Please Help .will really appreciate any help
solved this problem by this ..hope it helps someone someday
npm install gsm
The above module also splits the message into parts:
//We need to split the message and send it in many parts
var gsm = require('gsm');
var info = gsm("Your message string here");
//This is a unique id present in each message part
var concat_ref = this.concat_ref++;
var part_id = 0;
info.parts.forEach(function(part) {
var udh = new Buffer(6);
udh.write(String.fromCharCode(0x5), 0); //Length of UDF
udh.write(String.fromCharCode(0x0), 1); //Indicator for concatenated message
udh.write(String.fromCharCode(0x3), 2); // Subheader Length ( 3 bytes)
udh.write(String.fromCharCode(concat_ref), 3); //Same reference for all concatenated messages
udh.write(String.fromCharCode(info.sms_count), 4); //Number of total messages in the concatenation
udh.write(String.fromCharCode(part_id), 5); //Sequence number ( used by the mobile to concatenate the split messages)
var submit_pdu = {
destination_addr: msg.to,
short_message: { udh:udh, message:part },
registered_delivery:1 //If you want a delivery report
this.getSession().submit_sm(submit_pdu, function(pdu) {
if (pdu.command_status == 0) {
console.log("SMPP Gateway[" + this.getOptions().address + "] - SUMBIT[" + submit_pdu.source_addr + ">>>" + submit_pdu.destination_addr + "] - " + pdu.message_id);
if(callback) {