
ARToolKit - unable to add NFT marker, unknown marker type

I am working with the ARToolKit sample app ARSimple on Android. Instead of having it track the hiro marker, I want to track an NFT marker. So I am using:

int testMarker = ARToolKit.getInstance().addMarker("2d;data/nft/Test.jpg");

According to the documentation, that is the right way to add an NFT marker (unless I've missed something).

This gives the following output:

E/libARWrapper: ARController (native): [error]Error: Unknown marker type '2d' in config '2d;data/nft/Test.jpg'.
E/libARWrapper: ARController (native): [error]Error: Failed to load marker.

Which would appear to suggest it is not the right way to do it. So how do I add an NFT marker?


With the changes from Thor_Bux's answer applied, my code becomes:

public boolean configureARScene() {
    pinballMarker = ARToolKit.getInstance().addMarker("nft;data/pinball");

    if (pinballMarker == -1) return false;

    return true;

The files pinball.fset, pinball.fset3 and pinball.iset are located in my assets/Data directory.

Error message is now the following:

E/libar: Error: unable to open file 'data/pinball.iset' for reading.
E/libar: Error opening file 'data/pinball.iset'.
E/libARWrapper: ARController (native): [error]Error reading data from data/pinball.fset
E/libARWrapper: ARController (native): [error]Error: Failed to load marker.


After uninstalling the app, like Thor_Bux suggested, and changing the configuration to nft;Data/pinball, the marker loads. But there is still an error message:

E/libARWrapper: ARController (native): [error]Loading Data/pinball.fset.
I/libar: ### Surface No.1 ###
I/libar:   Read ImageSet.
I/libar: Imageset contains 8 images.
D/Camera-JNI: Using callback buffer from queue of length 9
D/Camera-JNI: Using callback buffer from queue of length 8
D/Camera-JNI: Using callback buffer from queue of length 7
D/Camera-JNI: Using callback buffer from queue of length 6
D/Camera-JNI: Using callback buffer from queue of length 5
D/Camera-JNI: Using callback buffer from queue of length 4
D/Camera-JNI: Using callback buffer from queue of length 3
D/Camera-JNI: Using callback buffer from queue of length 2
D/Camera-JNI: Using callback buffer from queue of length 1
D/Camera-JNI: Out of buffers, clearing callback!
I/libar:     end.
I/libar:   Read FeatureSet.
I/libar:     end.
E/libARWrapper: ARController (native): [info]First NFT marker added; enabling NFT marker detection.
E/libARWrapper: ARController (native): [info]Added marker (UID=0), total markers loaded: 1.

Even though the marker appears to have loaded successfully it is not detected with queryMarkerVisible(). Furthermore it seems SimpleRenderer#draw() is never called despite the scene being configured successfully.


  • from the previous conversation it looks like you are working with this example code and want to change this line of code to make it track NFT markers:

    You also state that you already created the needed NFT .fset and .iset files as described here:

    What you now need to do is to add the fset and iset files into the 'assets/Data/' directory of your project. (Right next to the hiro.patt)

    Then you change the mentioned line of code to this: nft;data/pinball Which is documented here:


    Hope that helps