
Android: How to get a list of all available intent filters?

I have search Android docs and for some insane reason I am not able to find the list of all available intent filters.

I am finding an intent filter, which would do something like notifying me through Broadcast Receiver that a particular Activity (example browser, or email) has been started or in the foreground.

Can anyone help me with that?


  • PackageExplorer lists all intent-filters defined in apps in your device

    To answer your question: You create the intent-filter(s) you want to be used to cause your activity to be selected when a program is looking for a service or activity. So each Activity in a Package defines it own list of intent-filters.

    I found it useful to have a list of all intent-filters defined by all the applications on a device -- so would know what apps the system would invoke when an intent was processed. I put a free app on Android Market, search for 'Package Explorer' that searches all apps it can find on your device, decodes the AndroidManifest.xml file and displays a list of all intent-filters defined by all apps. The table of all intent-filters can be sorted by Action, Category, Data fields(ie scheme or mimetype), package name or intent-filter type so you can find all Activites on your device that respond to various Actions or Categories.

    Package Explorer also collects all uses-permissions fields in the manifest and displays a list of which apps require which permissions. So you can find all packages that use 'SEND_SMS' or something like that. Clicking on the name of a package displays the decoded (uncompressed binary) AndroidManifest.xml for the package.