I am trying to ingest minute data from Bittrex exchange for currency pair ltc_btc
using the Enigma Catalyst library:
From CLI:
$ catalyst ingest-exchange -x bittrex -f minute -i ltc_btc
File "/Users/cyrusghazanfar/Desktop/python-projects/catalyst/catalyst/__main__.py", line 545, in ingest_exchange
File "/Users/cyrusghazanfar/Desktop/python-projects/catalyst/catalyst/exchange/exchange_bundle.py", line 820, in ingest
File "/Users/cyrusghazanfar/Desktop/python-projects/catalyst/catalyst/exchange/exchange_bundle.py", line 596, in ingest_assets
File "/Users/cyrusghazanfar/Desktop/python-projects/catalyst/catalyst/exchange/exchange_bundle.py", line 509, in prepare_chunks
start_dt, end_dt, [asset], data_frequency
File "/Users/cyrusghazanfar/Desktop/python-projects/catalyst/catalyst/exchange/exchange_bundle.py", line 469, in get_adj_dates
if data_frequency == 'minute' else last_entry
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace'
It seems that the problem comes from the particular asset being traded who's end_minute
is set to 'N/A' causing end
and last_entry
to be null exchange_bundle.py#L467.
Is the error coming from a missing minute candlestick data or that Bittrex simply doesn't provide minute data through their api (but then if the ladder is the case Catalyst could construct the minute candlestick from all the data retrieved)
There are no minute bundles for Bittrex yet. https://github.com/enigmampc/catalyst/issues/90
My preferred method is to run the backtest in poloniex and then execute the live trade in bittrex. Not all the pairs are available though.