
Mongodb how to insert ONLY if does not exists (no update if exist)?

How can I insert a document if it does not exist while not updating existing document if it exists?

let's say I have a document as follows:


I want to check whether the collection contains company test, if it doesn't exist I want to create a new document. If it exists I want to do NOTHING. I tried update with upsert = true. But it updates the existing document if it exists.

This is what I tried:

  "company": "test"
  "company": "test",
  "name": "nameVal2"

Appreciate any help to resolve this using one query.


  • You can use $setOnInsert like,

       {"company": "test"},
       { $setOnInsert: { "name": "nameVal2", ... } },
       { upsert: true }

    If this update operation does not do insert, $setOnInsert won't have any effect. So, the name will be updated only on insert.