
Creating login session while using oracle forms

I'm trying to build an app using oracle builder (oracle forms) and i want to know the user name after login, is there any option like sessions in (PHP/ JEE) to know who logged in my app?


  • To get User's Login&App Names, you may prefer setting them in Forms' ON-LOGON trigger with Dbms_Application_Info package's methods using this code :

      v_db_name  varchar2(35) := 'mydb1'; 
      v_lg_name  varchar2(350):= 'some DesiRed Value'; -- such as a username credential when the current user is being logged on to the DB OR SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'IP_ADDRESS') provided static IP values are assigned per each user.
      v_app_name varchar2(350):= :SYSTEM.CURRENT_FORM;    
      Logon(:Parameter.Un,:Parameter.Pwd||'@'||v_db_name); -- Un & Pwd are defined in Parameters node of Forms
      Dbms_Application_Info.Set_Client_Info( v_lg_name );
      Dbms_Application_Info.Set_Module( v_app_name, null ); 

    Whenever you need who logged your application, may issue this sql to see the related session information (provided your current session has select privilege to query gv$session dictionary view):

    select s.*
      from gv$session s
     where lower(s.client_info) like lower('%'||'&cli_info'||'%') 
       and s.module = 'myApp'   
     order by floor(s.last_call_et / 60), s.username, s.logon_time desc