I started to develop using Clojure luminus framework with mongodb (with monger library).
It was very hard to understand how to implement mount
library to start the db connection.
I figured out that code should put handler.clj
's init
But I cannot figure out how to tell mount to start the database connection.
Please could you give me a hand?
Here gores my development config.clj
(ns vippro.config
(:require [selmer.parser :as parser]
[clojure.tools.logging :as log]
[vippro.dev-middleware :refer [wrap-dev]]
(def defaults
(fn []
(log/info "\n-=[vippro started successfully using the development profile]=-"))
:middleware wrap-dev})
and in handler.clj
's init
(defn init
"init will be called once when
app is deployed as a servlet on
an app server such as Tomcat
put any initialization code here"
(when-let [config (:log-config env)]
(org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator/configure config))
(doseq [component (:started (mount/start))]
(log/info component "started"))
((:init defaults)))
my main problem is how should I call this function from init
proper way
(defn connect! []
;; Tries to get the Mongo URI from the environment variable
(reset! db (-> (:database-url env) mg/connect-via-uri :db)))
Your original question was about how to use mount
to do this.
It doesn't look like that's what you are doing, although your mongodb client is initializing, I suspect it is doing it when the namespace loads.
You defined a connect!
function which connects and puts the value in an atom db
. This is not the proper way to manage state with mount
since you are using your own atom to store the state. Instead, try using mount.core/defstate
to create and destroy the mongo client:
(defstate settings
:start {:mongo-uri "mongodb://localhost/my-database"})
(defn- mongo-connect
[{:keys [mongo-uri]}]
(mg/connect-via-uri mongo-uri))
(defn- mongo-disconnect
[{:keys [conn] :as mongo-client}]
(mg/disconnect conn))
(defstate mongo-client
:start (mongo-connect settings)
:stop (mongo-disconnect mongo-client))
(defn db [] (:db mongo-client))
By doing this you get the benefits of mount
Then you could use environ/env
as your settings
and export MONGO_URI="mongodb://..."