I tried to update my service with
sudo docker service update result --network-add backend --publish-add 5001
And got the error stating
overall progress: 0 out of 1 tasks
1/1: starting container failed: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:2…
service update paused: update paused due to failure or early termination of task gyovus3crd23v3wb22m1lbxf5
However I stopped the process while service result
was being created because it took long time. Is there any way to complete the process of creation now?
Something in your change is causing those containers to crash.
It could be your command option order. The service name always goes at the end. If you look at docker service update --help
you'll see it say:
Usage: docker service update [OPTIONS] SERVICE
Start a new update cycle by fixing the command:
sudo docker service update --network-add backend --publish-add 5001 result