I have an XS module. After building it with ./Build
the Module.so
is placed into blib/arch/auto/XS
In my Module.pm
I have:
require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load( 'Module', $VERSION );
And I run program as:
$ perl -Iblib/lib -MModule -e 'my $x; $x=1'
$ perl -Iblib -MModule -e 'my $x; $x=1'
In both cases the module installed to a system earlier is used.
Which option I should use to run code with Module.so
from blib/arch/auto
I try to use module from blib
because I have not need to install it during developing and experiments with XS
I pry into xstut
perl -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
And then here:
test_harness($verbose, @test_libs);
Runs the tests on @ARGV via Test::Harness passing through the $verbose flag. Any @test_libs will be unshifted onto the test's @INC.
So I should include both paths into @INC
$ perl -Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch -MModule -e 'my $x; $x=1'
As @Borodin said, the better solution is to use blib
$ perl -Mblib -MModule -e 'my $x; $x=1'