
Output option not working in MJML

I have written a gulp task to convert mjml file to html on change. Here is the code:

gulp.task('mjml:dev', function () {
    return gulp.src(paths.mjmlWatch, {base: "./"})
        .pipe(mjml(mjmlEngine, {
            output: '.phtml'

Everything is working fine but I want the output extension to be .phtml. I use the output option but it is still generating the .html extension file.


  • So, I solved it by installing the gulp-dest library using:

    npm i gulp-dest --save

    And after that just put another pipe that is replacing the extension of the file to .phtml.

    gulp.task('mjml:dev', function () {
         return gulp.src(paths.mjmlWatch, {base: "./"})
                .pipe(dest('./', {ext: '.phtml'}))