Currently, I am working or lumen(Laravel's microframework), I have integrated passport in that application for user login.
I was stuck when the client told me that we need to log in with both, the username or email!
I have done that by changing lumen passports internal code as below
vendor/laravel/passport/src/Bridge/UserRepository.php in this i have updated getUserEntityByUserCredentials function code to
public function getUserEntityByUserCredentials($username, $password, $grantType, ClientEntityInterface $clientEntity)
$provider = config('auth.guards.api.provider');
if (is_null($model = config('auth.providers.'.$provider.'.model'))) {
throw new RuntimeException('Unable to determine user model from configuration.');
if (method_exists($model, 'findForPassport')) {
$user = (new $model)->findForPassport($username);
} else {
$user = (new $model)->where('email', $username)->orWhere('username', $username)->first();
if (! $user ) {
} elseif (method_exists($user, 'validateForPassportPasswordGrant')) {
if (! $user->validateForPassportPasswordGrant($password)) {
} elseif (! $this->hasher->check($password, $user->password)) {
return new User($user->getAuthIdentifier());
Now when I update vendor directory every time I need to change this code.
Any simple method with which I can tolerate this headache.
Any help appreciated Thanks in advance.
I didn't know it was this simple, I just tried today and I got succeeded,
public function findForPassport($username){
return $user = (new User)->where('email', $username)->orWhere('username', $username)->first();
I just add this method to App\User.php and it works perfectly as I wanted.