
Passenger + Ruby/ExecJS not finding NodeJS

I have a Ruby on Rails application deployed using capistrano on a server with ubuntu 16.04 + nginx + passenger5 + ruby 2.5.0 (via rbenv) + nodejs 9.4. For some unknown reason when I open the website passenger returns an error: There was an error while trying to load the gem 'bootstrap'. Gem Load Error is: Could not find a JavaScript runtime. See for a list of available runtimes."

As said, I have nodejs installed and if I try to run the first ExecJS example via ruby console (irb) it works properly: require "execjs" ExecJS.eval "'red yellow blue'.split(' ')'"

If I change the javascript runtime by adding "therubyracer" gem to the Gemfile the project works properly. Any ideas why the ExecJS autodetection missing NodeJS?

Thanks in advance.


  • For some reason nginx/passenger cannot find the proper nodejs path. I've fixed this issued before by adding this to the top of my nginx configuration ( /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ): end PATH;

    Check: Rails/Passenger/Node.js: ExecJS "Could not find a JavaScript runtime" for more info.

    Also, make sure the user in which nginx is executed (www-data?) is able to run node.