
How to install Orca - which Windows SDK(s) contain the Orca MSI editing tool?

According to various web pages, orca.msi/orca.exe is primarily distributed as part of the Windows SDK.

I have Visual Studio 2015 Professional Update 3 installed. I have installed all the "Universal Windows App Development Tools" components, which includes three different versions of the Windows 10 SDK (10.0.14393, 10.0.10586, 10.0.10240).

But I can't find orca.msi or orca.exe anywhere on my machine. Is this tool no longer packaged with the Windows SDKs? Do I need to install one of the older Windows SDKs as well? Is there an optional Visual Studio 2015 component that I can install to get Orca?

An MSDN page for orca.exe eventually leads me to a download page for Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. Is this the most recent SDK which includes orca.msi, or can it be found in newer SDKs such as the Win7/.NET4.0 or Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 SDKs?


  • You can pick it from Windows SDK ISO.

    1. Download the latest SDK ISO Image. Current one is 16299.15.
    2. Mount it with Explorer and open the directory Installers. You can find the Orca-x86_en-us.msi.

    Downloads Windows 10 SDK