
Can I change all my http:// links to just //?

Dave Ward says,

It’s not exactly light reading, but section 4.2 of RFC 3986 provides for fully qualified URLs that omit protocol (the HTTP or HTTPS) altogether. When a URL’s protocol is omitted, the browser uses the underlying document’s protocol instead.

Put simply, these “protocol-less” URLs allow a reference like this to work in every browser you’ll try it in:


It looks strange at first, but this “protocol-less” URL is the best way to reference third party content that’s available via both HTTP and HTTPS.

This would certainly solve a bunch of mixed-content errors we're seeing on HTTP pages -- assuming that our assets are available via both HTTP and HTTPS.

Is this completely cross-browser compatible? Are there any other caveats?


  • I tested it thoroughly before publishing. Of all the browsers available to test against on Browsershots, I could only find one that did not handle the protocol relative URL correctly: an obscure *nix browser called Dillo.

    There are two drawbacks I've received feedback about:

    1. Protocol-less URLs may not work as expected when you "open" a local file in your browser, because the page's base protocol will be file:///. Especially when you're using the protocol-less URL for an external resource like a CDN-hosted asset. Using a local web server like Apache or IIS to test against http://localhost addresses works fine though.
    2. Apparently there's at least one iPhone feed reader app that does not handle the protocol-less URLs correctly. I'm not aware of which one has the problem or how popular it is. For hosting a JavaScript file, that's not a big problem since RSS readers typically ignore JavaScript content anyway. However, it could be an issue if you're using these URLs for media like images inside content that needs to be syndicated via RSS (though, this single reader app on a single platform probably accounts for a very marginal number of readers).