
Can't run Firebase Test Lab tests using gcloud and service account: 403, does not have storage.objects.create

I am trying to run instrumented tests using the glcoud CLI as a service account in CircleCi. When I run:

gcloud config set project project-name-12345
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file ${HOME}/client-secret.json
gcloud firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app debug-app.apk --test debug-test.apk --device model=Nexus6P,version=27,locale=en,orientation=portrait --environment-variables coverage=true,coverageFile=/sdcard/tmp/code-coverage/connected/ --directories-to-pull=/sdcard/tmp --timeout 20m

I get:

ERROR: ( Could not copy [debug-app.apk] to [gs://test-lab-xxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyy/2018-01-18_17:14:09.964449_zPAw/] ResponseError 403: does not have storage.objects.create access to bucket test-lab-xxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyy..

Using the API Console ( I've given my service user all the permission I can think would be relevant:

Any help would be greatly appreciate. Thanks.


  • You should be able to use a service account created in the Google Cloud Console. Did your service account have the required project Editor role? (as noted in this doc: