
How to load animation-lists with Picasso?

I get out of memory exceptions when loading images into my app. I integrated Picasso to load images, but the code below is not working with an animation-list for an AnimationDrawable. The animation is null:

qtIdleAnimation = (AnimationDrawable)qtSelectButton.getDrawable();
if (qtIdleAnimation != null)

The AnimationDrawable works, if I use this code without Picasso:

qtIdleAnimation = new AnimationDrawable();
for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
    int qtidleId = res.getIdentifier("qtidle" + i, "drawable", this.getPackageName());
    qtIdleAnimation.addFrame(res.getDrawable(qtidleId), 100);
if (qtIdleAnimation != null)

But this code causes the out of memory exceptions. Is it possible at all to load animation-lists with Picasso?


  • Picasso can't directly load an animation-list defined in an xml file into a View. But it is not too difficult to mimic the basic behavior of Picasso yourself:

    1. Define and start the animation programmatically, like you did, but inside an AsyncTask to avoid out-of-memory exceptions

    Resources res = this.getResources();
    ImageView imageView = findViewById(;
    int[] ids = new int[] {R.drawable.img1, R.drawable.img2, R.drawable.img3};

    Create a sublcass of AsyncTask:

    private class LoadAnimationTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, AnimationDrawable> {
        protected AnimationDrawable doInBackground(Void... voids) {
            // Runs in the background and doesn't block the UI thread
            AnimationDrawable a = new AnimationDrawable();
            for (int id : ids) {
                a.addFrame(res.getDrawable(id), 100);
            return a;
        protected void onPostExecute(AnimationDrawable a) {
            // This will run once 'doInBackground' has finished
            if (a != null)

    Then run the task to load the animation into your ImageView:

    new LoadAnimationTask().execute()

    2. If your drawables are larger than your view, save memory by only loading the drawables at the required resolution

    Instead of adding the drawable directly:

    a.addFrame(res.getDrawable(id), 100);

    Add a scaled-down version of it:

    a.addFrame(new BitmapDrawable(res, decodeSampledBitmapFromResource(res, id, w, h));

    where w and h are your view's dimensions, and decodeSampledBitmapFromResource() is a method defined in the Android official documentation (Loading Large Bitmaps Efficiently)