I am trying to use an Oracle stored proc from python and have trouble with user defined types.
Here is a minimal example to reproduce the issue
create or replace
TYPE test_type AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(4000);
create or replace procedure python_test (
a in number,
b in test_type) as
I actually am not looking to pass anything as test_type from python but simply not set it to anything (which is allowed by real life stored proc).
In SQL, the following works:
execute python_test(1,null);
However, from python with cx_Oracle, the following command
cursor.callproc('python_test', [1, None])
gives me the following error:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'PYTHON_TEST'
Is there a way to make this work?
Yes. If you simply use the default processing, None
is treated as a string, which isn't what is expected here. Instead, do something like the following:
import oracledb
conn = oracledb.connect("user/pw@host/service")
cursor = conn.cursor()
var = cursor.var(conn.gettype("TEST_TYPE"))
cursor.callproc("python_test", [1, var])