
Hibernate get next ID with string prefix

I have one question regarding primary key generation in Hibernate. I'm working in maintaining existing registry system. Current design use string as a primary key. The rule is something like "EXE" + max(). Below is how the table look like.

| ID       |   Email                   |   Name         |
|EXE1      |          | Name 1         |
|EXE5      |          | Name 5         |
|EXE14     |         | Name 14        |
|EXE15     |         | Name 15        |

Currently im using below's code to generate the ID.

Long rowCount = (Long) getSession().createCriteria(Exemption168DB.class).setProjection(Projections.rowCount()).uniqueResult();
if(rowCount == null)
    rowCount = 0L;
return String.format("%s%d", CommonConstant.EXEMPTION_KEY_PREFIX, rowCount + 1);

But the problem is; it is using row count to get the next sequence digit. So in the above case, the method will return EXE5(this ID is already exist in the table thus exception is thrown) because the rowcount in the table is 4, then increment by 1. What I need is EXE16.

Any help is much appreciated. Extra info, we are using Informix as a database engine.


  • As I noted in two comments, one technique available in Informix would use triggers and SERIAL columns. Another technique would use a SEQUENCE and a stored procedure.

    Here's some demo code for the sequence plus stored procedure:

    CREATE SEQUENCE registry_seq
        INCREMENT BY 3
        START WITH 37
        MINVALUE 21
        MAXVALUE 299
    CREATE PROCEDURE get_next_registry_id() RETURNING VARCHAR(10) AS registry_id;
        DEFINE r VARCHAR(10);
        SELECT registry_seq.NEXTVAL INTO i FROM "informix".SysTables WHERE tabid = 1;
        LET r = "EXE" || i;
        RETURN r;
    CREATE TEMP TABLE registry
        id              VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
        email           VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
        name            VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE
    INSERT INTO registry VALUES('EXE1', '', 'Name 1');
    INSERT INTO registry VALUES('EXE5', '', 'Name 5');
    INSERT INTO registry VALUES('EXE14', '', 'Name 14');
    INSERT INTO registry VALUES('EXE15', '', 'Name 15');
    INSERT INTO registry VALUES(get_next_registry_id(), 'email' || registry_seq.currval || '', 'User ID ' || registry_seq.currval);
    INSERT INTO registry VALUES(get_next_registry_id(), 'email' || registry_seq.currval || '', 'User ID ' || registry_seq.currval);
    INSERT INTO registry VALUES(get_next_registry_id(), 'email' || registry_seq.currval || '', 'User ID ' || registry_seq.currval);
    SELECT * FROM registry ORDER BY id;

    Clearly, you'd choose different control values for the CREATE SEQUENCE statement. Those worked semi-conveniently for me for my testing (which started off working on a different table).

    The FROM "informix".systables WHERE tabid = 1 is a standard Informix idiom for selecting a single row of data. The system catalog has the systables table recorded with tabid of 1. On modern versions of Informix (meaning anything that you should be running; there are probably some people still running older versions though), you can select from sysmaster:sysdual (or, if you're being really safe, sysmaster:"informix".sysdual) which is a single row table with a single column.

    The final output is:

    EXE1        Name 1
    EXE14       Name 14
    EXE15       Name 15
    EXE37     User ID 37
    EXE40     User ID 40
    EXE43     User ID 43
    EXE5        Name 5

    Note that one of the disadvantages of the alphanumeric ID is that the sort order is not numeric but lexicographic.