
How can I change the position of a morph in smalltalk? 2D Grid

I have trouble changing the position of some morphs. While it is possible to move them from the Inspector with:

self position: 50 @ 50

for example.

I wrote a function which should set the position of of a 2d collection of morphs. Cell is a subclass of simple switchmorph. And the class owning this function is a subclass of bordered morph.

| xPos yPos row col |
xPos := 0.
yPos := 0.
row := 1.
col := 1.
cells := OrderedCollection new.
cols timesRepeat: [ cells add: OrderedCollection new ].
cells do: [ :each | rows timesRepeat: [ each add: (Cell new size: cellSize) ] ].
    timesRepeat: [ cols
            timesRepeat: [ ((cells at: row) at: col) position: xPos @ yPos.
                xPos + cellSize.
                row + 1 ].
        yPos + cellSize.
        col + 1 ].
cells do: [ :x | x do: [ :y | self addMorph: y ] ]

I don't get an error and actually all cells are added but all on the same position. When I try to cast them into the world instead the same happens. All on the the same spot.

I hope someone can help me out here.

the solution

| row col xPos yPos |
row := 1.
col := 1.
xPos := 0.
yPos := 0.
    timesRepeat: [ cols
            timesRepeat: [ ((cells at: row) at: col) position: xPos @ yPos.
                xPos := xPos + cellSize.
                row := row + 1 ].
        row := 1.
        xPos := 0.
        yPos := yPos + cellSize.
        col := col + 1 ]


  • You are not updating the variables xPos, row, yPos and col. So, instead of

                xPos + cellSize.
                row + 1 ].


        yPos + cellSize.
        col + 1].

    you should say

                xPos := xPos + cellSize.
                row := row + 1].


        row := 1.
        yPos := yPos + cellSize.
        col := col + 1].