Morning Gurus,
I have a saved search within Netsuite with multiple "formula" columns.
For example, there are several formulapercent' named columns, although the
label' for each is unique.
However when using nlobjSearchResult.getValue('formulapercent')
naturally I only get the first formulapercent column value.
How do I specify in getValue
which of the formula columns I want to return the value for?
I really don't want to use a column number, in case I need to insert a new column to the saved search within Netsuite later.
Hoping for something along the lines of nlobjSearchResult.getValue('formulapercent','<label>')
I have tried the multi parameter option, but it does not work.
Simple fix?
Thought I'd add an answer I have since learned.
Instead of generically numbering the columns. For example:
var column = []
column[0] = new nlobjSearchColumn('formulanumeric').setFormula('myformula1');
column[1] = new nlobjSearchColumn('formulanumeric').setFormula('myformula2');
searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord(.......);
Instead of this, I found the easiest way to retrieve the formula column values was to uniquely define the columns:
var colformula1 = new nlobjSearchColumn('formulanumeric').setFormula('myformula1');
var colformula2 = new nlobjSearchColumn('formulanumeric').setFormula('myformula2');
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('item',null,filters,[colformula1,colformula2]);
To then grab the formula results:
var formulares1 = searchresults[i].getValue(colformula1');
var formulares2 = searchresults[i].getValue(colformula2');
Removes the issue if column orders change.
Thought this might help somebody.