I'm looking to create a list of characters using a string as my source. I did a bit of googling and came up with nothing so then I wrote a function that did what I wanted:
(defn list-from-string [char-string]
(loop [source char-string result ()]
(def result-char (string/take 1 source))
(empty? source) result
:else (recur (string/drop 1 source) (conj result result-char)))))
But looking at this makes me feel like I must be missing a trick.
You can just use seq function to do this:
user=> (seq "aaa")
(\a \a \a)
for numbers you can use "dumb" solution, something like:
user=> (map (fn [^Character c] (Character/digit c 10)) (str 12345))
(1 2 3 4 5)
P.S. strings in clojure are 'seq'able, so you can use them as source for any sequence processing functions - map, for, ...