
Compiling GDCM dlls 2.8.4 for Windows with Visual Studio 2013

I am trying to compile GDCM 2.8.4 for Windows. Can anybody describe how to compile it with Visual Studio 2013 Professional? The GDCM wiki is out of date. Thanks a lot.


  • First of all, you will have to install CMake. Then

    1. Start CMake GUI.

    2. I guess you already have the gdcm-2.8.4 directory (in a directory X:\XXXXX\ ) containing

      Applications Source Testing Utilities

      and other subdirs. So set the in the CMake GUI "source dir" to X:\XXXXX\gdcm-2.8.4 . (NOT to its Source subdir!).

    3. Then you create a new directory, where CMake will create the VS projects, let's call it X:\XXXXXX\GDCM-VSProjects. In the CMake GUI set "Where to build the binaries" to X:\XXXXXX\GDCM-VSProjects.

    4. Then, in the CMake GUI press "Configure".

    5. After configuring CMake offers you some options; choose at least GDCM_BUILD_APPLICATIONS, GDCM_BUILD_EXAMPLES, GDCM_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS. For documentation you will need doxygen, latex and possibly more.

    6. Then, in the CMake GUI press "Generate". Now a lengthy calculation is performed and finally VS solution and VS subprojects are generated into your new X:\XXXXXX\GDCM-VSProjects subdirectory.

    7. Now you can open GDCM.sln in VisualStudio and BuildAll in 64 bit Release mode.

    8. After the build, you will find libs, dlls and exes in the bin/Release subdirectory of your X:\XXXXXX\GDCM-VSProjects.

    Thats it.